Technology Service Desk

Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook

Users can add approved mailboxes to their Outlook folders as well as send email as another user. Access to a Shared Mailbox allows a user to manage email from an account that has been designed for multiple people to use. Access to another user's mailbox is called Mailbox Delegation

Mailbox access forms 

Located on Support Portal at

To request access to a shared mailbox use the form, Shared Mailbox Access Request.

To request delegate access to another user's account, use the form, Delegate Mailbox Access Request.

There are different types of access for Shared and Delegate mailbox access. 

Read and manage permissions

Allow the user to read emails in the mailbox and organize folders

Send as permissions

Allow the user to send email as the mailbox. Mail sent this way will appear as if the mailbox has sent it. 

Send on behalf of permissions

Mail sent this way will show who the user is that sent on behalf of the mailbox. 

To send emails as or on behalf of a different account, choose the mailbox from the dropdown in the From field. This is the same for both Outlook Desktop and Outlook Online. 

Additional mailboxes should show up in the o365 Web Portal immediately after being approved. A restart may be required to see the new mailboxes in Outlook Desktop. 

If new mailboxes don't appear after restarting, mailboxes a user has access to can be manually added.

Manually add mailbox to Outlook Desktop for read access

In Outlook, go to File > Info > Account Settings > Manage Profiles

Select Email Accounts

Go to the Data Files tab. Select Settings. Go to the Advanced tab. Choose Add. Enter the mailbox name and press OK.

Press OK and Close to exit the rest of the windows that are open. 

Manually change From Field in Outlook Desktop for Send access

After receiving Send access to a shared mailbox or delegate mailbox, open a New Email. 

If the From field does not automatically appear in Outlook desktop, enter from in the search bar at the top right. Choose From Field.

In the New Email form, select the From Field to change the mailbox you are sending from. If you do not see a mailbox you have access to, select Other Email Address... 

Enter an email address you have access to and press OK.


The address should now appear in the From Field when you drop it down. Select it to send email from this account.

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