Teams lets you not only manage your call settings, but also setting up a call forwarding, call groups, and answering rules for simultaneous ring.
Call Forwarding
The call forwarding to a person or a group just redirects that call to the number or numbers selected on your Settings. Teams gives the option to set up call forwarding to another person or to a call group.
Forward to Voicemail
- Click on your profile picture and then Settings > Calls
- Under Call answering rules, select the option Forward My Calls
- Next to Forward to, select the option Voicemail
Forward to other number
- Click on your profile picture and then Settings > Calls
- Under Call answering rules, select the option Forward My Calls
- Next to Forward to, select the option New number or contact
- Type the number or contact to be used.
Forward to call group
- Click on your profile picture and then Settings > Calls
- Under Call answering rules, select the option Forward My Calls
- Next to Forward to, select the option Call Group
- A dialog box will open to select the people to add to your call group. Type the number or contact to be added.
Simultaneous Ring
With simultaneous ring, the incoming calls would ring you and someone else at the same time. It can ring another specific number or a call group.
Simultaneous ring other number
- Click on your profile picture and then Settings > Calls
- Under Call answering rules, select the option Calls ring me
- Next to Also ring, select the option New number or contact
- Type the number or contact to be ringed.
Simultaneous ring a call group
- Click on your profile picture and then Settings > Calls
- Under Call answering rules, select the option Calls ring me
- Next to Also ring, select the option of Call Group
- A dialog box will open to select the people to add to your call group. Type the number or contact to be added.
Learn more about how to forward calls, forward calls to a group and set up simultaneous ring on Microsoft Teams.