Technology Service Desk

How can I run an ad hoc authenticity check on an assignment?

As an instructor, you can run ad hoc authenticity checks on assignments in two ways:

1) Using Our Canvas Turnitin QuickCheck

  1. Go to and enroll in the QuickCheck course.

  2. Once enrolled, click Start Assignment to upload a document for checking.

  3. You should be given feedback immediately. Submissions using this tool will not be indexed.

2) Using Quick Submit

All instructors that have set up Turnitin assignments in Canvas can log into and utilize their QuickSubmit capability. The quick submit feature allows instructors to submit papers and receive Similarity Reports without creating a class or an assignment. This is ideal for instructors who would like to use Turnitin to spot check submissions and have these papers in electronic format. Quick submit should not be used if the instructor desires to have students submit their own papers.

Setup Quick Submit the first time

  1. Go to and click on the Log In button.

  2. Click the Forgot your password? link

  3. Enter your Adler email address and last name, then click Next.

  4. Type the answer to your secret question in the Answer box. You set your secret question and answer when you created your account. If you have forgotten the answer to your secret question, click the link labelled Forgot your answer? This will send a link to reset your password to your registered Email address.

  5. You have 24 hours to change your password using the link that has been sent to you. 

  6. On the password reset page, you must enter a new password and log into Turnitin using the Email address and new password for your profile. Your new password must contain a minimum of 8 characters and can include the use of special characters.

  7. Use the email address and your new password to log into

  8. Click User Info from the top of the instructor homepage.

  9. On the preferences page, select yes from the activate quick submit drop-down. menu.

  10. The quick submit tab will appear on the instructor homepage, making the quick submit inbox available for use.

Submit the assignment for checking via Quick Submit

  1. To start the upload process, click on Submit button in the top left corner of the quick submit inbox.

  2. Select the databases that the submitted paper or papers will be checked against.

  3. Be sure to select No Repository in the From the 'Submit Papers to:' drop-down box. This will prevent this submission from being indexed or else you risk generating erroenous similarity matches in the future based on this ad hoc submission.

  4. Continue to the paper submission page by selecting the Submit button.

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