Technology Service Desk

Legal Name Change Request Info

Once a Student, Faculty, or Staff Member has completed the paperwork for a legal name change or made an approved chosen name change in Self-Service, the Registrar (Student) or People and Culture (Faculty and Staff) raises a request with the Technology Department for the changes to take effect in different Adler systems. 

Student Name Change Request Form for Registrar: [PUT FORM LINK HERE WHEN IT'S CREATED]

Faculty or Staff Name Change Request Form for People and Culture: [PUT FORM LINK HERE WHEN IT'S CREATED] 

Before beginning, ensure the Requester has updated their chosen name in Self-Service. Adding or Updating Your Chosen Name and Gender Pronouns.

Based on the attributes of the new name, the Technology department will do the following:

  • Change the display name, first, and/or last name in Active Directory - This changes the name that appears in o365 apps when referring to the Requester
  • Create an Alias email for the Requester's account - This lets users send email to an address that looks like a new name even though it is still the same account
  • (This requires the primary email to be set on NAE in Colleague) Add a login for Canvas with the Alias Email - This will change what the Requester is able to type in as their username when they sign in to Canvas

Do not change the Logon credentials - Refer ticket to Enterprise Team (Crystal Townsend) for legal name change process completion.

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