Technology Service Desk

Access Sub-Account Courses

As of Fall 2022, Canvas courses are now under Sub-Accounts. These are containers for our Academic Programs grouped by campus. Access is provided to Program Directors and similar positions for the purposes of auditing or content control over multiple courses. Program Directors may request to have a user added to a Sub-Account using this form, Add a Canvas Sub-Account User.
As part of this change, users will no longer be added as Teachers outside of the Registrar enrollment process. Since these users aren't teachers in the course, they won't see the course on their Dashboard the way that Teachers and Students do.

Accessing Sub-Account Courses

When you first log in to Canvas, you'll see your Dashboard. Select Admin from the menu on the left.

In the Admin section, you'll see all Sub-Accounts you're a part of. You've been given access to the CCLCA Sub-Account, so that's the only one you see. Open the Sub-Account that corresponds to the program

You'll see a list of all courses in the Sub-Account. Select the one you want to navigate to. Some courses do not have distinct names. Open them to see their specific course code. 

Opening the course will allow you to view and make changes. The course code can be seen at the top left. 

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