Technology Service Desk

Sign in with and configure an MFA hardware token

Hardware tokens are an alternate method of MFA that can be assigned to a user. 

The hardware token generates a six-digit code once a minute, similar to the Microsoft Authenticator app and can be used interchangeably with the Authenticator app code once assigned to a user. 

The token has a power button that can be pressed to turn on the display temporarily. It will display the six-digit code and a meter showing how long you have until the code refreshes. 

Use token as an alternate MFA method

To authenticate using the token instead of the Authenticator app, choose I can't use my Microsoft Authenticator app right now, at the prompt for Authenticator approval. 

Select, Use a verification code

Enter the six-digit code from the token to verify.

Set token as primary MFA method

Sign in to After having the hardware token assigned, you'll see a new sign-in method with that label. Above the list of sign-in methods, next to Default sign-in method, click Change

Set the default method to Authenticator app or hardware token - code

The verification screen will now ask you for the code by default 

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