Technology Service Desk

I don't see all my course sites in Canvas. Is my registration up-to-date?

Canvas courses will only be visible to students if they have been published by the instructor. Enrollment updates happen regularly several times per day. 

If a course site that you expect to see in Canvas is not yet visible to you on your Canvas dashboard, follow these steps to check your course enrollment status. 

Click into the Courses tab on the navigation panel.

Click All Courses.

You will see a list of all current courses that you are enrolled in. (Previous course sites will be listed under Past Enrollments.) Notice the status of the courses as displayed in the Published column.

While all course sites may not be accessible to you, all courses for which you are enrolled should be included in this list.

Click on the star to the left of the course title if you would like to pin or add it to your Canvas dashboard.

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